Week 6 Story: Bhima and the Rakshasa
Heading southwards through the forest after leaving the subterranean passage, the Pandavas and Queen Kunti must stay strong, but only Bhima is cut out for this type of work. The forest is filled with creatures who crave human flesh like reptiles, man-eating asuras, and large rakshasas that are built like a professional linebackers. The group becomes fatigued except for Bhima, so he stays extremely attentive to keep everyone protected. After some time, they finally find a good place to settle for the night and get some rest. Bhima knows that they must eat to regain energy for the next day's journey. So, he instructs Arjuna to watch over the group while he gathers some recourses for the next day. Bhima wants to make this trip quick and quiet because he knows rakshasa's can smell human flesh. As Bhima continues his journey for recourses, he notices a beautiful woman tied to a tree. The woman has blue eyes with long and wavy blonde hair. As a reaction, Bhima immediately jogged towa...