Week 13 Reading Notes: Part B from The Five Tall Sons of Pandu

 The story left off with Duryodhana and stealing the cattle from the castle in King Virata's kingdom. Arjuna reveals the Pandava's identity after they needed weapons to steal the cattle back from the opposing side. Duryodhana escapes knowing that Arjuna and Uttara are coming with smoke. Arjuna and his mate are still able to recuperate the cattle. Now that their exile has come to an end, they decided it was time to pursue their kingdom. 

The two parties have people saying to go to war and others say make peace. Krishna's brother, Satyaki, and Duryodhana decide that war will settle the beef. Even though both parties are at battle against eachother, everyone is aware that it is basically family against family. So, Krishna persuades Arjuna to obey Dharma, which is basically a set of war rules. 

In the first round of war, Bhisma leads the armies of Duryodhana and gain advantage. On the second day of battles, the Pandava's are able to make an impressive comeback. Duryodhana worries and threatens Bhishma for his position. Bhishma tells Duryodhana they don't have the helps from the gods because their reason for battle isn't just. Arjuna is able to maintain the Duryodhana army. On the third day, Bhima is able to kill a handful of Duryodhana's brothers, but he barely made it out alive. 

Bhishma's fall finally came. Shikhandin, born woman but turns man, fights for the Pandava side. When Bhishma's encounters Shikhandin, he decides that it is not formal to fight someone who was born a woman. Bhishma lets his guard down and the Pandava's are able to eliminate him. Before dying, Bhishma urges Duryodhana to call peace, but Duryodhana doesn't obey and continues war. He also tells Karna that he is Arjuna's brother, the first child from Kunti. 

Bibliography: The Indian Story Book: The Five Tall Sons of Pandu by Richard Wilson. 1914


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